In Ulaanbaatar you will stay in hotel. During any trips around the country, you will be camping in tents and in traditional Mongolian Ger. All accommodation offered by our company is personally checked by our staff to ensure high standards.
Internet cafes have hit Ulaanbaatar and there are numerous internet cafes along the street in the city. Hotels usually have a business and internet rooms. There is central post office in Ulaanbaatar where you can buy nice stamps, postcards and envelopes. There are some internet services and postal services in small towns in countryside. The post is reasonably reliable although it may take some time to reach its destination.
Can I charge my camera batteries or electric items in my ger camp? The standard voltage in Mongolia is 220V. Mostly sockets that accept round twin forks are used. If your gadget plug has flat forks you need fork adapter/converter. Also you can charge up camera batteries and plug other electric items in the ger camps.